Making modern presentations with markdown

Posted on Wed 18 July 2018 in programming

This month I have the pleasure of co-teaching the Jump Start Live course for the Ada Developers Academy - a short course designed to reinforce basic programming concepts to students prior to the start of the full program. Part of the course material is available online in markdown format, but the lecture slides we use in class are Google Docs presentations. In my opinion, this is miles above the age-old powerpoint presentation ecosystem, but given my curious nature and the fact that the rest of the course material is in markdown, I wanted to know: could presentations also be written in markdown?

Yes, in fact.

After several hours of searching on the internet, I've landed on a couple of options for creating presentations in markdown. This isn't an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination - it is simply what I think will be useful for my own purposes.


remark (not to be confused with remark.js, a markdown processor) is a web-based presentation framework that is markdown-driven. It's quick to get started, you just need one HTML boilerplate file and you can begin writing markdown within it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
      @import url(;
      @import url(,700,400italic);
      @import url(,700,400italic);

      body { font-family: 'Droid Serif'; }
      h1, h2, h3 {
        font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz';
        font-weight: normal;
      .remark-code, .remark-inline-code { font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono'; }
    <textarea id="source">
# My markdown presentation
> Created using remark


# Slide 2
    <script src="">
      var slideshow = remark.create();


reveal.js is another web-based presentation framework. Normally you have to write the presentation in HTML, but it supports markdown as well. I've also had success just creating a markdown document

# My markdown presentation
> Created using reveal.js

# Slide 2

and then using pandoc to create the HTML presentation

pandoc -s -o output.html -t revealjs -V revealjs-url=

The verdict

It mostly boils down to preference and which one you like better.

There are some feature differences between the two, but both offer support for speaker notes and a cloned presentation mode, which are important to me.

Initially I was drawn to reveal.js because of its looks, but the vanilla settings don't allow for much text to fit on a single slide and thus seems more suited for big picture ideas without going too deeply into detail.

The default settings for remark focus more on presenting the slide content in a no frills way, which for me is important.

Parting thoughts

Since markdown is the common language used, I should be able to transition from one framework to the next, but I see two things that make doing so more difficult:

  • You can fit less content on a reveal.js slide by default than you can in a remark slide, so converting a remark presentation to a reveal.js presentation will probably cut off a bit of the content on each slide.

  • pandoc has a different syntax for speaker notes than remark does, so converting presentations with speaker notes would become notably more difficult. If pandoc supported remark as an output format, this would be a non-issue.