Build a highly scalable REST API in 100 lines

Posted on Wed 02 December 2020 in programming

Today I'll be walking through how to build a REST API endpoint with the following features:

  • Automatic TLS/SSL encryption
  • Accessible by both front and back-end applications
  • Horizontally scalable
  • API key validation and limiting
  • Persistent storage
  • Automated deployments

All in about 100 lines of code. It can be a bit more if you wish to include verbose comments, or it can be a bit less if you discount the starting boilerplate code. The line count itself is not important, but serves as a proxy to illustrate the little amount of effort it takes to start a modern REST API if you choose the right tools to do so.

The tools?

AWS Lambda, the Serverless Framework, and node.js.

Lambda bills itself as a pay-for-usage way of running code without setting up a server to run it. Even so, you'll still need to configure the environment through what's known as a CloudFormation template - a configuration file written in either JSON or YAML. CloudFormation templates will get verbose and tedius to write for anything beyond a sample application. That's where the next framework comes in.

Serverless is a provisioning framework meant to make deploying lambdas a more pleasant experience. It works with a number of cloud providers, defaulting to AWS. You will still end up needing to write parts of Cloudformation here and there (read: make sure to have the docs handy), but the serverless.yaml configuration file is miles easier to understand and work with than vanilla CloudFormation.

node.js, but this can be interchangeable as both Serverless and AWS allow lambdas to be written in a great many languages.

The API?

We will build an API with one endpoint, /hello. It will require an API key to access, and when invoked correctly will return a JSON payload greeting the person (customizeable through the name url parameter). The endpoint will also keep track of the number of people who have called the endpoint with a given name, and will tell them how many other people of the same name have come before.

The code?

I'm glad you're excited, but rather than showing you all the code up front, I think it will be helpful to walk through the changes step by step as if reading a series of git commits.

7731ca0 Initial commit

The boilerplate code we're left with after going through the serverless getting started guide. Some unnecessary lines have been removed for the sake of brevity.


module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify(
        message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!',
        input: event,

A single exported async function; the entrypoint for our lambda. Maybe it's obvious to say this, but every time the lambda is invoked, this function is called. The function itself accepts one parameter, event, and returns a JSON response with a success message.

Up to 3 parameters can be passed to the function, depending on signature, but in this case we only need the first. AWS has more documentation on the node.js handler for the curious.


# For full config options, check the docs:

# app and org for use with

# You can pin your service to only deploy with a specific Serverless version
# Check out our docs for more details
frameworkVersion: '2'

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x

    handler: handler.hello

Most important right now is the functions section, which defines a hello lambda whose entrypoint is the hello function of handler.js. At this point, we can already deploy the code to AWS through serverless deploy and invoke it with serverless invoke -f hello

When deploying, serverless converts the above yaml file to a CloudFormation template and executes that. Neat, huh? If you're curious and want to take a peek behind the curtains, run serverless package and check out the CloudFormation files that are generated in the .serverless folder.

8ee5621 Make endpoint public

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ functions:
    handler: handler.hello
+    events:
+      - http:
+          path: hello
+          method: get

These four lines allow us to call our lambda externally through an https endpoint.

$ curl ''
  "message": "Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",
  "input": {

Serverless achieves this by automatically configuring an API Gateway entry for the application.

d169028 Greet based on url param

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 'use strict';

 module.exports.hello = async event => {
+  let name = 'anonymous'
+  if (event.queryStringParameters && {
+    name =
+  }
   return {
     statusCode: 200,
     body: JSON.stringify(
-        message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!',
-        input: event,
+        message: `Hello ${name}!`

Now that our lambda can be called by the API Gateway, we get all sorts of interesting properties through the event parameter. In this case, we want to know if the user passed in a name url parameter.

$ curl ''
  "message": "Hello anonymous!"
$ curl ''
  "message": "Hello brooks!"

API Gateway docs with example event payload

f486d35 Require api keys

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ frameworkVersion: '2'
   name: aws
   runtime: nodejs12.x
+  apiKeys:
+    - testkey1
+    - testkey2

@@ -67,6 +77,7 @@ functions:
       - http:
           path: hello
           method: get
+          private: true

API keys are configured for the whole project, so if you end up having more than one function/lambda they will all share the same set of API keys. Setting our function to private will now only allow traffic through if they have an X-Api-Key header with a valid API key. Serverless has great documentation on setting up keys as well, there's many more ways to customize them than I've shown here.

$ curl ''
$ curl '' \
    -H 'x-api-key: sdlfkjo4582730sdflskdfj034lskdfj'
  "message": "Hello anonymous!"

b2d9941 Set CORS for endpoint

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ functions:
           path: hello
           method: get
           private: true
+          cors: true

This is a small code change, but the impact is huge. With CORS enabled, our API can now be queried from any front end application.

What is CORS? Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing. In brief, it's a security check that the browser makes when making "special" requests to endpoints on a different domain than itself. Our API requires the special x-api-key header, which the browser identifies as "special," so it fires off an OPTIONS http request against the endpoint to check if this action is allowed or not. If you're not familiar with what CORS is or how it works, the Mozilla web docs have a comprehensive article to understanding CORS.

22d2412 Set usage plans for keys

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -26,13 +26,26 @@ provider:
-    - testkey1
-    - testkey2
+    - free:
+      - testkey1
+    - paid:
+      - testkey2
+  usagePlan:
+    - free:
+        quota:
+          limit: 5
+          period: DAY
+        throttle:
+          burstLimit: 5
+          rateLimit: 5
+    - paid:
+        quota:
+          limit: 5000
+          period: DAY
+        throttle:
+          burstLimit: 200
+          rateLimit: 100

I'll re-iterate the serverless documentation on setting up API keys. With this change, we can now limit by API keys, the number of requests that come in on a set time period (in this case DAY). Exceeding this limit will result in a 429 Too Many Requests error.

$ curl '' \
    -H 'x-api-key: jsdlkfjslkj343434234lksjdflkj'
{"message":"Limit Exceeded"}

b8a7405 Integrate with DynamoDB

This is a big one. Also not included in this diff is package.json and package-lock.json, needed because we introduced aws-sdk as a dependency. The two files can be created, however, with npm init --y && npm install aws-sdk.

To make things easier, let's walk through the changes per file.

diff --git a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
index b6e6b0d..956f2eb 100644
--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
@@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
+const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
+const dynamo = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
 module.exports.hello = async event => {
   let name = 'anonymous'
   if (event.queryStringParameters && {
     name =

+  const params = {
+    TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME
+    Item: {
+      name: name
+    }
+  }
+  const result = await dynamo.put(params).promise()
   return {
     statusCode: 200,
     body: JSON.stringify(

We're using the aws-sdk to initialize a DynamoDB connection. DynamoDB is Amazon's own NoSQL offering and we'll be using it as a way to persist data between calls. At present, all we are saving to the table is the name of the user we're greeting.

Also note: for flexibility, we expect the table name to be available via the TABLE_NAME environment variable rather than hardcoding a value for it. The reason why will become apparent when we look at the next file.

diff --git a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
index d889190..7e6fc28 100644
--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@ provider:
           burstLimit: 200
           rateLimit: 100
+  iamRoleStatements:
+    - Effect: Allow
+      Action:
+        - dynamodb:PutItem
+      Resource: !Sub 'arn:aws:dynamodb:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:table/${helloTable}'
+  environment:
+    TABLE_NAME: !Ref helloTable
@@ -58,3 +70,20 @@ functions:
           method: get
           private: true
           cors: true
+  Resources:
+    helloTable:
+      Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
+      Properties:
+        BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
+        AttributeDefinitions:
+          - AttributeName: name
+            AttributeType: S
+        KeySchema:
+          - AttributeName: name
+            KeyType: HASH

Let's look at the resources first. This section defines a DynamoDB table, which we're referencing as helloTable. The syntax for this section is CloudFormation, as the serverless docs on resources suggest. As Dynamo is a NoSQL database, no schema is needed, but it does need to know the table's primary key, which is name in this case.

Up next, environment. The lambda will have access to these values through the use of environment variables (eg: process.env.VARIABLE_NAME). The !Ref part is a bit confusing for someone not familiar with CloudFormation, so here goes. In the previous section, helloTable is the reference name for our table, but it does not actually represent the name of the table when it gets created. In the absense of a defined table name, CloudFormation will choose one for us on stack create/update, so the only way to reference the name of our table is through a Ref value

If we created the database and our code knows the name of the database to connect to, what else is left? iamRoleStatements, or access/authentication, which is handled within AWS by IAM. IAM is based on the RBAC access paradigm . An IAM role can be configured to allow access to all sorts of resources within AWS, but in this case the only action we need to do right now is a PutItem action on a DynamoDB. See IAM docs.

The last potentially confusing part of the IAM section is the !Sub resource value. Functionally, this acts no differently than the !Ref section of the environments, with one difference. !Ref only returns the name of the resource, and for Resource under IAM, we are required to provide the fully qualified ARN value of the thing we're trying to access. It's a bit like specifying the name of a file vs. specifying the full path to a file. More documentation on the contents of the !Sub section: ARN, Pseudo-parameter references, !Sub.

3f338a6 Count the number of visitors

diff --git a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
index e1b1496..6568753 100644
--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
@@ -14,20 +14,26 @@ module.exports.hello = async event => {

   const params = {
     TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME,
-    Item: {
-      name: name,
-    }
+    Key: {
+      name,
+    },
+    UpdateExpression: 'ADD #count :num',
+    ExpressionAttributeNames: {
+      '#count': 'greeting_count',
+    },
+    ExpressionAttributeValues: {
+      ':num': 1,
+    },
+    ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW',
-  const result = await dynamo.put(params).promise()
+  const result = await dynamo.update(params).promise()

   return {
     statusCode: 200,
     body: JSON.stringify(
-        message: `Hello ${name}!`
+        message: `Hello ${name} #${result.Attributes.greeting_count}!`
diff --git a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
index 0741a40..d726cf7 100644
--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ provider:
     - Effect: Allow
-        - dynamodb:PutItem
+        - dynamodb:UpdateItem
       Resource: !Sub 'arn:aws:dynamodb:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:table/${helloTable}'

With this commit, we change the response value of our endpoint to also include the visitor count per name. Instead of putting an item, we are updating an item (which can create new elements or update existing ones) and adding a greeting_count field (API docs on node.js DynamoDB client). Calling our API now looks like this:

$ curl '' \
    -H 'x-api-key: lksjdfljl3j45lk2345jlkjsdflksjdfljklsdkjf'
  "message": "Hello anonymous #1!"
$ curl '' \
    -H 'x-api-key: lksjdfljl3j45lk2345jlkjsdflksjdfljklsdkjf'
  "message": "Hello anonymous #2!"
$ curl '' \
    -H 'x-api-key: lksjdfljl3j45lk2345jlkjsdflksjdfljklsdkjf'
  "message": "Hello brooks #1!"

6ddad1f Dynamo: use SET, not ADD

diff --git a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
index 6568753..2e53aa4 100644
--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/handler.js
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ module.exports.hello = async event => {
     Key: {
-    UpdateExpression: 'ADD #count :num',
+    UpdateExpression: 'SET #count = if_not_exists(#count, :initial) + :num',
     ExpressionAttributeNames: {
       '#count': 'greeting_count',
     ExpressionAttributeValues: {
+      ':initial': 0,
       ':num': 1,
     ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW',

This is a best practices change because functionally the two UpdateExpression lines do the same thing. However, AWS recommends using SET in most cases instead of ADD. Initially I thought ADD would be a more obvious and simple solution, but the more I think about it, SET makes it abundantly clear what the logic is if greeting_count does not yet exist as an attribute. ADD hides this logic, and therefore has the potential to cause hard-to-debug errors.

4562185 Add DeletionPolicy note

--- a/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
+++ b/blocks/lambda-webhook-callback/serverless.yml
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ resources:
       Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
+      DeletionPolicy: Retain
         BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST

This change is optional, but in a production setting you most likely want to retain your database in the case of CloudFormation stack removal. The exception to this would be if your database contained only information that is easy to regenerate programmatically. For some resources, CloudFormation performs a backup before deletion, but in the case of DynamoDB, this does not happen.

Closing thoughts

And that's it.

This project only scratched the surface of what is possible with the right toolset and a healthy dose of documentation. In a real life scenario, a REST API server would be much more complicated not only in terms of supported features, but also in terms of team size and software process bottlenecks. But that's for you to figure out if you fit that scenario 🙃. Additional resources: