Breaking my Advent of Code 2019, day 1 solution

Posted on Wed 04 December 2019 in programming

The Advent of Code 2019 challenge is open. These are my solutions to the problems presented on day 1.

Part one

Asks us to figure out how much fuel is required to lift a given spacecraft module if we know its' mass.

import math
import sys

def calculate_fuel_cost(mass):
    return math.floor(mass / 3) - 2

def test_calculate_fuel_cost():
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(12) == 2
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(14) == 2
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(1969) == 654
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(100756) == 33583

def get_module_masses():
    with open("aoc-day1-input.txt") as mass_file:
        masses = [int(line) for line in mass_file]
    return masses

def main():
    masses = get_module_masses()
    fuel_costs = [calculate_fuel_cost(mass) for mass in masses]


if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "test":

Part two

Asks us to make our fuel equation more accurate, to account for the additional mass incurred by the fuel itself. In this case, only the fuel calculation function needs to be updated (and corresponding tests). Everything else can stay the same.

def calculate_fuel_cost(mass):
    cost = math.floor(mass / 3) - 2
    if cost < 0:
        return 0  # No fuel required for small masses

    # Fuel also weighs an amount. Recurse to determine how much additional
    # fuel is needed just to lift the fuel off the ground.
    return cost + calculate_fuel_cost(cost)

def test_calculate_fuel_cost():
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(12) == 2
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(14) == 2
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(1969) == 966
    assert calculate_fuel_cost(100756) == 50346

Breaking the code

Let's do a thought experiment. Could my implementation ever fail to give the correct answer? For this problem, I was given an input of 100 lines with a maximum mass of 149238. Ignoring malformed input data, what if we had to operate on ridiculously gigantic inputs?

The second solution involves using recursion to find a more accurate mass calculation.

return cost + calculate_fuel_cost(cost)

Python limits the number of recursive calls that can be made

>>> import sys
>>> sys.getrecursionlimit()

and unlike some languages, does not optimize tail recursion.

What does that mean for us? If we're given a sufficiently large enough input mass, it's possible the program will run out of recursive calls before it can calculate the final fuel cost.

An abnormally large mass

If we use a sufficiently large enough input, can we break it? Below I've outlined the results of several calls to calculate_fuel_cost, with varying masses.

mass recursive calls made
100,000 9
1e10 19
1e20 40
1e30 61
1e40 82
1e300 627
1e308 644
int(1e308) * int(1e100) 854
int(1e308) * int(1e167) 994
int(1e308) * int(1e170) 1000

Conclusion: yes, after an abnormally large value was passed to the function, I succeeded in breaking it.

>>> calculate_fuel_cost(int(1e308) * int(1e168))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 13, in calculate_fuel_cost
    return cost + calculate_fuel_cost(cost, i+1)
  File "", line 13, in calculate_fuel_cost
    return cost + calculate_fuel_cost(cost, i+1)
  File "", line 13, in calculate_fuel_cost
    return cost + calculate_fuel_cost(cost, i+1)
  [Previous line repeated 993 more times]
  File "", line 8, in calculate_fuel_cost
    print(f"Recursive calls made: {i}")
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

That's one massive mass.

Interestingly, after 1e308, python started converting scientific notation to the infinity value, inf, and attempts to pass in a slightly larger value than that resulted in an OverflowError because math.floor was unequipped to handle such large numbers (or consciously refused to).

>>> calculate_fuel_cost(int(1e308) * 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 5, in calculate_fuel_cost
    cost = math.floor(mass / 3) - 2
OverflowError: integer division result too large for a float

In the name of science, I replaced the function call with integer division

cost = (mass // 3) - 2

to continue the experiment. The show must go on!

A (very) large file

The other potential problem with my solution is that I read and store every input value into an array prior to processing, instead of streaming the input and keeping a running tally of the total fuel cost.

def get_module_masses():
    with open("aoc-day1-input.txt") as mass_file:
        masses = [int(line) for line in mass_file]
    return masses

Effectively, my solution is an offline algorithm, not an online algorithm, so the more input it has to process, the more memory the program will take up. At some point, our program will run out of memory, given enough input. let's do it!

There's a couple of options to take here.

  1. Create a ridiculously huge file filled with numbers, and then run the program like normal. This would take forever and I don't want to bother with writing a tens-of-gigabytes sized file to disk just for the sake of this program.

  2. Modify the code to read numbers from stdin instead of a file. This is arguably the most sane solution because many command line programs have the option to use stdin for input, instead of a file.

  3. Make the input file a named pipe (FIFO) and supply the file with an infinite amount of random numbers through /dev/urandom.

I hardly ever get to work with named pipes, so let's use the last option. First, I'll create the file.

$ mkfifo aoc-day1-input.txt
$ ls aoc-day1-input.txt
prw-r--r-- 1 brooks brooks 0 Dec  4 22:56 aoc-day1-input.txt

Then in a new terminal, use /dev/urandom to supply it with an endless supply of numbers.

$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '1-9' | fold -w 2 > aoc-day1-input.txt

Finally, I'll run the program and watch the memory usage slowly increase

$ python
time system memory usage image
0 minutes 900mb
1 minute 1.5gb
5 minutes 2.8gb

I stopped the program before I ran out of memory, but you get the picture.

There you have it - it's a good thing to keep in mind that even a program that seems simple and straightforward can have problems if exposed to the right (or wrong) conditions.